Please go home
To her loving arms
Please go home
She will keep you warm
Please go home
It hurts me so much when I see
you like this
Please go home
I care about you much more than my selfishness
Please go home
and let yourself feel at peace
Please go home
and live a life with guilty-free
Please go home
to have laughter and smile every nights
to put children into sleep and spend time with your wife.
Please go home
to prepared hot meals.
Please go home..
to someone who can take good care of you..
I will always miss you.
I will always think of you.
I will never forget how you made me feel.
I will never. I promise you.
please go home
to opened-door of forgiveness
So please go home
to full of understandings and
So please go home
to pour your heart out and love
Love her more
Love her
Slowly your heart will once again be filled with joy and happiness
You will soon forget me, the stubborn-silly-foolish-me.